UK Health Security Agency offers a gold-standard service and analyses every sample we receive. Their laboratory is the national centre for HIV tests, and carries out thousands of other tests every year, too. It is accredited with the United Kingdom Accreditation Service to UKAS ISO15189:2012 standards. Their laboratories boast state-of-the-art, modern, automated pathology technology and analysers. The service has a reputation for high quality accurate diagnostic tests. |
MedDX Services provide and distribute our testing kits. With 15 years of specialist experience, the MedDX team supplies the very best devices on the market, and assembles our kits for us to ensure the best possible combination of diagnostics for the information you provide. MedDX works across both the public and private healthcare sectors, including supplying kits for health screening programmes and clinical trials. |
Saving Lives manages and co-ordinates every aspect of TakeATestUK to ensure a clinically excellent, seamless and convenient service. It is a UK-based charity dedicated to raising awareness about testing for HIV, sexually transmitted infections and other blood-borne viruses (BBVs) including the hepatitis B and C viruses. Its health promotion work has enabled clinics across the country to run high-impact awareness-raising campaigns, and gained national media attention for HIV testing and associated issues. |